About This Blog

Dare to Dissemble is my little online ranting place, where I air my thoughts about the ridiculous state of affairs at the University of Alberta--a formerly strong public institution with tons of potential being driven into the ground by inept governance and irresponsible government funding policies. Comments are welcome, but not expected. Like most blogs on the internet, this one languishes in obscurity and is read for the most part by its proprietor.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CCIS Photos

Can anyone point me to an online source of photos of the finished CCIS structure from various angles?  I am not having much luck with teh google.


  1. The Phantom SessionalOctober 23, 2011 at 3:39 PM

    That's because you should be trying teh Flickr. Bill Burris has thousands, and there are more besides.

  2. Yes, I stumbled across Bill Burris' cache PS, though I could not find a good one of the completed structure, from the same perspective as one of the ones showing the hole in the ground. (This is for a metaphorical discussion of the importance of foundational research, which has to be done BEFORE the commercialization work that seems to be the only thing our province values.
