About This Blog

Dare to Dissemble is my little online ranting place, where I air my thoughts about the ridiculous state of affairs at the University of Alberta--a formerly strong public institution with tons of potential being driven into the ground by inept governance and irresponsible government funding policies. Comments are welcome, but not expected. Like most blogs on the internet, this one languishes in obscurity and is read for the most part by its proprietor.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Does the Cost of Pursuing Postsecondary Education Influence Choice of Majors?

Maclean's On Campus has a short blurb on the problems associated with rising tuition in Canada.  It includes the following quote:

"...higher tuition payments tend to mean higher debt loads upon graduation and debt loads put pressure on graduates to take jobs that pay and pay right away. Nothing wrong with that, except that there might be other things recent university graduates might do that could be more socially valuable than joining the corporate rat race."

Do you think this is really the case?


  1. It might be true. In the US I am not sure whether that is really the case, because usually the cost of higher education is far higher in those fields where future earnings tend to be greater (medicine, law school etc.). In Canada it might be different.

  2. I definitely see the trend, Massimo. We are moving more and more towards a paradigm of university as vocational training.
